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08. Zach Giuttari 91. Felix Robert 64. Eric Martinsson 51. Emil Sylvegaard 26. Emil Larsson 33. Emil Larmi 36. Elias Rosen 13. Dylan McLaughlin 40. Dennis Rasmussen 21. Brian Cooper 28. Hugo Gustafsson 09. Victor Stjernborg 29. Sebastian Strandberg 87. Robert Rosen 06. Petter Granberg 62. Manuel Aagren 41. Ludvig Nilsson 04. Keegan Lowe 24. Karl Henriksson 94. Joel Persson
71. Viktor Lodin 13. Joel Kellman 11. Joakim Nygaard 75. Jeremy Groleau 14. Henrik Bjoerklund 96. David Tomasek 07. Axel Bergkvist 52. August Tornberg 26. Joel Nystroem 92. Lucas Forsell 72. Stian Solberg 22. Per Aaslund 29. Oskar Steen 23. Oliver Eklind 34. Michael Lindqvist 33. Maxime Lagace 98. Marian Studenic 20. Marcus Westfaelt 32. Magnus Nygren 73. Adam Ollas Mattsson