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31. Tobias Skuterud 81. Marcus Erevik 28. Magnus Geheb 06. Jonas Haughom 23. Joachim Hermansen 24. Hampus Gustafsson 48. Fredrik Bjoerndal 34. Eskil Wold 14. Emil Kvernmo Wasenden 32. Markus Modigs 05. Mattias Baeckman 46. Tobias Lindstroem 40. Tobias Fladeby 93. Thomas Valkvae Olsen 88. Sander Wold 55. Petter Birkheim 03. Patrick Ulriksen 30. Mitch Gillam 85. Michael Haga 51. Christian Vethe Bye
04. Victor Kopperstad 20. Joakim Aarseth Opsahl 77. Jarl Tillman 05. Jakob Stoeffling 25. Jacob Hallberg 71. Haakon Stormli 14. Eskil Stene 08. Emil Buskoven 22. Brendan Ellis 48. Joergen Nyhus Myhre 13. Jonathan Hafsmoe 70. Kasper Byrkjeland 72. Tom Christensen 27. Sole Marius Ryen 43. Magnus Menkerud 91. Ludwig Wisten 10. Lucas Trygg 68. Linus Westberg 92. Lars Petter Eckholm 96. Anton Karlsson