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68. Linus Westberg 25. Jacob Hallberg 05. Jakob Stoeffling 08. Emil Buskoven 13. Jonathan Hafsmoe 22. Brendan Ellis 92. Lars Petter Eckholm 74. Leo Brandbu Andersen 43. Magnus Menkerud 71. Haakon Stormli 72. Tom Christensen 10. Lucas Trygg 77. Jarl Tillman 04. Victor Kopperstad 27. Sole Marius Ryen 33. Preben Rabben Arntsen 48. Joergen Nyhus Myhre 14. Eskil Stene 91. Ludwig Wisten 20. Joakim Aarseth Opsahl 96. Anton Karlsson
18. Mathias Kolstad 10. Joachim Engesveen 19. Vegard Fredriksen 77. Jonas Medby 29. Christian Fosse 09. Christoffer Berger 13. Alexander Moltu 23. Jackson Desouza 14. Liam Saetre 26. Joakim Arnestad 70. Theo Rooseboom 11. Ben Almquist 15. Robin Andre Soudsky 98. Jakop Leibnitz 27. Noah Andersson 41. Nicolas Werbik 88. Rasmus Ommedal 16. Adrian Ellingsen 12. Lucas Oevreboe